Jāmi‘ ‘Alī al Hādī wa Ḩasan al ‘Askarī, Salah ad Din - Iraq (IQ)
Al ‘Askarī Shrine, the ‘Askariyya Shrine ("Resting Place of the Two Imams 'Ali the Calming and Hassan the Camp-Dweller") or the Al-Askari Mosque is a Shi'ite Muslim mosque and mausoleum in the Iraqi city of Samarra from Baghdad. It is one of the most important Shia shrines in the world, built in 944

Latitude: N 34° 11' 56"
Longitude: E 43° 52' 24"
Country: Salah ad Din, Iraq (IQ)
Population: NA
Clear skyClear sky
Current Temperature: 34.03° C
Humidity: 19%
Pressure: 997 hPa
- Al-Bakr Air Base
- Salum
- Al Fallujah [TQD]
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